This is your captain speaking...

Dear friends and colleagues,

After nearly 7 years on the magnificent flight called AirHelp, I’ve decided it's time for a new captain to take the pilot seat.

Sharing this is very emotional. AirHelp has been my entire life for many years. From an idea on a beach in Bali, through Y Combinator in Silicon Valley, to the global leader in air passenger rights with 750 employees worldwide! I can’t describe how immensely proud I am of what we have achieved. I owe so much to all of the AirHelpers who believe in this idea and have given everything to make AirHelp grow and prosper. I am forever grateful.

Stepping aside is a decision I have thought long and hard about. I could only hand over my "baby" to someone truly special. Someone who can take the company to the next level and continue the fight for consumer justice. Someone who can take good care of our employees and customers. Someone who can bring a wealth of international experience beyond my own. I am very happy to say that I have found this person in Jimmy Maymann.

Jimmy has supported AirHelp as an angel investor for more than 5 years and as chairman of the board since last year. He is a proven entrepreneur, experienced leader, and a caring manager, not to mention the former CEO of Huffington Post. Jimmy shares the same passion for helping air passengers and understands the great potential this company has. I not only feel incredible excitement, but also great comfort knowing that Jimmy will be the new CEO of AirHelp.

Many people ask me, what are you going to do now?

As Jimmy takes over my responsibilities as CEO, I will take over his responsibilities as chairman of the board. I look forward to supporting AirHelp in my new role. But first, it’s time for a break! I am taking a 6 month sabbatical which will include a world tour with my fiancée and getting married in the spring. You can follow our adventures here.

My decision to step aside comes after months of reflection and careful consideration. I have full confidence that AirHelp will continue to shape the world of consumer rights. With an experienced management team led by Jimmy, our amazing crew of AirHelpers, there’s no limit to where AirHelp can go. I look forward to continuing on this flight as chairman of the board.

Thank you all for your past and continued support, both personally and for my role at AirHelp. AirHelp would not be the company it is without you.
